seededlda Topic Model - Finding the best fit

topic modeling

Matt Pickard


January 24, 2023


Semi-annually, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gather across the world for General Conference (GC) to hear messages and talks about the gospel of Jesus Christ. These messages are delivered by prophets, apostles, and other leaders in the Church. GC occurs the first weekend of April and October. Although general conferences have occurred since the founding of the Church in 1830, [talks (and their text)] since 1971 are available on the Church’s website(

GC is one of my favorite times of the year! Seriously! For me, it competes with Christmas.

Naturally, I’m curious about the topics that are taught at GC. I wanted to apply NLP topic modeling to GC.

About the data

I was able to scrape the data from the GC website.

Every semi-annual conference has 4-5 sessions. Each session contains a series of talks. There are approximately 36-40 talks across all sessions in a conference. Every talk will be a document in topic modeling. Since I have the GC dates, I can study the topics longitudinally. I’m specifically curious about how the frequency of different topics has changed over the decades.

I start simple and only deal with unigrams.


My objective in this post is to fit a topic model to the GC corpus. Therefore, I need to find the number of topics that best fits the data.

The approach is very similar to clustering – another unsupervised algorithm. I’ll fit topic models using a range of different numbers of topics (20-topic model, 22-topic model,…,n-topic). Then calculate the divergence of each model and find the model with the maximum divergence.

Perplexity is also a common metric used to explore the optimal number of topics. I use divergence because it is implemented in the seededlda package.

I’ll then qualitatively assess a smaller range of models near the optimal divergence range.

This post will demonstrate the beginning of this iterative quantitative-qualitative process to finding the optimal number of topics.

Preparing the data

I used the tidytext package1 to tokenize the General Conference (GC) talks into unigrams. I removed common stopwords and did basic data cleaning. I then used cast_dfm() to convert the tidy text data frame to a document-feature matrix (DFM) compatible with quanteda. This blog post starts with this DFM of the GC talks.

quanteda does not implement topic models, so I’ll use the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) implementation provided by the seededlda package to create the topic model.

Loading the data

I saved the DFM in an RDS format for quick retrieval. Let’s load the data and take a look at its dimensions.

unigram_dfm <- read_rds("data/unigram_dfm.rds")
[1]  3881 16336

The matrix represents 3,881 documents (GC talks) and 16,336 words (unigrams). Keep in mind that many stopwords (e.g., the, and, am, etc.) were removed. The hope is that the remaining words are significant and salient.

The topic model

Like clustering algorithms, LDA requires that we specify the number of topics to fit. With close to 4k talks and 16k+ words, it wasn’t clear to me how many topics I should fit. To discover this, I leveraged the divergence metric of the topic model. seededlda, in its divergence() function, implements the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, which is frequently used to measure the dissimilarities between word distributions (i.e., topics) 2.

In a nutshell, the logic of topic divergence is like this:

  • Topics consist of individual words. For example,
    • Family: children, family, home, parents, love, god, husband, wife
    • Missionary Work: mission, missionary, serve, gospel, elder, lord
    • Savior: love, christ, jesus, savior, father, heart
  • The words that make up topics can overlap, meaning that the words can appear in several topics. For instance, love appears in both the Savior and Family topics.
  • When we minimize the overlap, or maximize the divergence, of topics; then we have some assurance that we have the most distinct and useful topics.

To find the optimal number of topics, I fit topic models with 2 to 52 topics.

Note: There was a bit of trial and error to arrive at that range.

Then I plotted their divergence scores to see where they maxed out.

Since fitting LDA models is computationally expensive, I used the furrr package – the parallelized version of purrr – on my high-powered server to fit all those models.

Then I combined the divergence score with each topic model into a data frame, so I could plot them.


# create a vector for number of topics to fit
n <- seq(2, 52, by = 2)

# helper function that fits the LDA model and computes the divergence
# this is to parallelize the code with the 'furrr' package
get_div_score <- function(dfm, k) {
  lda_fit <- textmodel_lda(dfm, k)

# setup four threads
plan(multisession, workers = 4)

# fit models in parallel
div_scores <- n %>% 
    ~get_div_score(unigram_dfm, k = .x),
    furrr_options(seed = TRUE))

# assemble a df with number of topics and divergence scores
div_score_df <- tibble(
  num_topics = n,
  div_score = div_scores

Finding the maximum divergence – the quantitative part

Here’s the code to create the number of topics vs. divergence plot.

# plot topic number vs divergence score
div_score_df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = num_topics, y = div_score)) +
  geom_point() +
  ylab("Divergence Score") +
  xlab("Number of Topics") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = max(div_score_df$div_score), 
             color = "blue", 
             linetype = "dashed") +
           color = "blue") +
  ggtitle("Number of Topics vs Divergence")

In the end, it was easier to just view the top three results in a table.

div_score_df %>% 
  arrange(desc(div_score)) %>% 
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  num_topics div_score
       <dbl>     <dbl>
1         30     0.436
2         32     0.435
3         28     0.434
4         24     0.433
5         26     0.433

Interpreting the topics – the qualitative part

While the 30-topic model has the highest divergence, maximal divergence does not necessarily mean that that number of topics is maximally meaningful. So I took the models with the top three divergence scores (32-topic, 30-topic, and 28-topics) and explored the quality of the topics.

I created these models in parallel on my server. Here’s the code:

n <- c(28, 30, 32)

plan(multisession, workers = 3)
lda_fits <- n %>% 
    ~textmodel_lda(unigram_dfm, k = .x),
    furrr_options(seed = TRUE))

After the 28-, 30-, and 32-topics models were fit, I created labels for each topic based on the words that the topic was composed of to evaluate the topic quality. Here I’ll demonstrate this process with the 30- and 32-topic models.

I extracted the words per topic with the terms() function and formed them into a tibble for ease of reading. Then I proceeded to subjectively interpret the topics based on the top 10 words in each topic. I don’t believe there is a way to avoid this. Notice that I updated the column names with meaningful labels.

It is expected that there will be some noisy topics. If the topic wasn’t clear to me, I labeled it with question marks.


lda30_df <- as_tibble(terms(lda_fits[[2]]))

names(lda30_df) <- 

01_Lost_Sheep 02_Jesus_Christ_Savior 03_Priesthood_Leaders_Responsibility 04_Spiritual_Light_of_the_World 05_Gospel_Scripture_Study 06_Sins_Repentace_Atonement 07_Lords_People_Zion?? 08_Missionary_Service 09_Joseph_Smith 10_Church_Welfare_Fast_Offerings 11_??? 12_Book_of_Mormon_Scripture_Reading 13_??? 14_Priesthood_Power_Keys 15_Sustain_Church_Officers 16_Holy_Ghost_Testimony 17_Love_of_God_Jesus_Christ 18_Prayer 19_Time_to_Choose_Eternal_Life 20_Relief_Society 21_Sacrament_Sabbath_Day 22_Temple_Covenants_Blessings 23_Gods_Plan_Eternal_Life 24_??? 25_Morals_Standards?? 26_Faith_in_Jesus_Christ 27_?? 28_Prophet_President 29_??? 30_Family_Home
sheep jesus church light gospel repentance lord mission joseph welfare alma book brother priesthood manifest holy love father life women sacrament temple god church god faith time president lord children
water christ priesthood peace church sins god missionaries smith church ne mormon home church presidency spirit christ prayer time society day covenants eternal people evil christ don’t lord thy family
king son bishop world learn christ people missionary church poor god read mother power sustain ghost jesus heavenly path relief remember blessings life lord world jesus day church thou home
god father quorum christ teach atonement world gospel prophet services mosiah christ hand authority president god church god happiness sisters sabbath covenant father conference life god life prophet ye parents
lost god stake darkness principles jesus earth serve god lord lord scriptures president brethren favor lord savior pray hope woman sacrifice ordinances plan world people lord boy god god families
lord john ward spiritual taught sin day church christ tithing jesus jesus life aaronic twelve testimony god love lives sister time family earth saints moral testimony home conference thee love
life life president life study repent land lord jesus fast ye god words keys proposed christ day lord eternal daughters sunday lord christ temple lord power told kimball shalt marriage
david death leaders time spiritual savior zion time gospel people patience words day hold quorum receive life feel choose church meeting sacred world building satan lives school prophets commandments mother
shepherd world home gospel scriptures mercy nations service day family people nephi found god church gift gospel son lord president music receive jesus day standards life father hinckley matt father
time savior responsibility truth doctrine god time elder earth food heart word ago lord counselor power sisters heart follow world sacred temples lord sisters live gospel love called words wife
lda32_df <- as_tibble(terms(lda_fits[[1]]))

names(lda32_df) <- 
    "29_???", # I think this is my garbage topic
    "32_???" # I think this is a garbage topic too

01_Sustain_Church_Officers 02_Repentence 03_Church_Audit_Financial 04_Gospel_Scripture_Study 05_Jesus_Christ_Resurrection 06_Spiritual_Light_of_the_World 07_??? 08_??? 09_Prophet_President 10_Tithing 11_Standards_Against_Evil?? 12_Priesthood_Power_Keys 13_Conference??? 14_Book_of_Mormon_Joseph_Smith 15_Holy_Ghost_Prayer_Testimony 16_Marriage_Family 17_Church_Leaders 18_Church_Welfare_Fast_Offerings 19_Gods_Plan_Eternal_Life 20_Covenants 21_Joy_Suffering_Faith 22_Tree_of_Life_Path??? 23_Missionary_Service 24_Church_of_Jesus_Christ 25_Faith_in_Jesus_Christ 26_Temple_Ordinances 27_Lords_People??? 28_Love_Jesus_Christ 29_??? 30_Relief_Society_Women 31_Family_Home 32_???
manifest alma church gospel jesus light king brother president lord evil priesthood church book holy marriage church welfare life covenants life life mission church faith temple lord love time women children thou
presidency sins program scriptures god darkness lord home church tithing world power people mormon spirit love bishop church god covenant joy water missionaries christ christ family people christ don’t society family thy
sustain repentance department learn christ ne god mother prophet pay people lord conference joseph ghost wife quorum poor eternal lord suffering journey missionary jesus peace temples god jesus life relief home lord
president christ auditing study father god courage hand lord sacrifice god brethren saints smith lord god ward services plan sacrament lord path church god hope ordinances earth god day sisters parents ye
favor god membership spiritual life jesus israel father god money standards god salt prophet father life stake fast commandments day jesus tree serve gospel jesus lord world savior father woman father god
proposed sin funds teach son spiritual david words joseph day moral authority city read god children home program happiness holy god christ gospel world lord house day father didn’t sister families thee
quorum repent education taught death world stand ago conference blessings satan aaronic lake christ prayer family president people father blessings faith time service day god blessings land sisters school church love jesus
twelve ye council word world time daniel day smith time youth keys lord god pray husband leaders principles choose christ pain jesus time truth power sacred time heavenly boy president teach shalt
counselor jesus financial christ resurrection christ people president kimball people life hold day jesus words eternal priesthood food heavenly sacred healing follow lord earth life dead nations feel remember daughters mother matt
church atonement percent principles earth truth hand life prophets life clean duty world lord testimony woman teachers family god’s remember trials day elder true lives time days heart friends mother child love

Battle: 30-topic vs 32-topic

To wrap my mind around the pros and cons of the two models. I captured some of the differences in this table.

This is where contextual knowledge of the data is needed.

30-Topic Model 32-Topic Model
Book of Mormon gets paired with scriptures and scripture reading. Joseph Smith has his own topic. Book of Mormon gets paired with joseph smith
Prayer has its own topic. prayer gets placed inside the The Holy Ghost and Testimony topic.
Jesus Christ is paired with savior Jesus Christ is paired with resurrection.
Seems to have a Lost Sheep topic. There is not topic that contains sheep.
sacrament is paired with sabbath day (topic #21) sacrament is paired with covenants.
tithing is found under the Church Welfare topic. tithing is paired with sacrifice and pay, which seems to solidly form a Tithing topic

I like the fact that Joseph Smith has his own topic in the 30-topic model; and, it probably makes more sense to bundle the Book of Mormon with scriptures (since it is part of the scriptural canon of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) than it does with Joseph Smith (who translated it). A strong nudge to favor the 30-topic model.

Prayer and Christ’s direction to find and feed His “lost sheep” are both very common topics in GC talks. The 30-topic has separate topics for each of these. That’s a couple of votes for the 30-topic model.

I especially like that the Jesus Christ topic contains savior. I prefer that associate as Savior over the associate with resurrection in the 32-topic model. I view His resurrection as part of His saving.

Members of the Church meet together on Sundays (the Sabbath day) to partake of the Sacrament (i.e., the Lord’s Supper), so it’s very appropriate to associate the Sacrament with the Sabbath day. However, the Sacrament is a time for church members to remember the covenants they made at baptism; so it’s equally appropriate to associate the Sacrament with covenants as well. So, this point is a wash.

Tithing as its own topic (in the 32-topic model) is appealing. A win for the 32-topic model. However, tithing is often spoken of in the context of fast offerings. Fast offerings are free-will monetary offerings given in conjunction with a fast – the money saved from skipping meals during the fast is donated to help the poor and needy. A counter for the 30-topic model. But the 32-topic option highlights tithing in terms of sacrifice. You might consider tithing as a baseline measure of an individual’s willingness to sacrifice for the Lord. A stronger counter for the 32-topic model.

So, overall, we’ll go with the 30-topic model.

As I explored models with more topics, I discovered that other topics crystalized, examples include youth and the latter days, home teaching (a program to ensure members of the church are taken care of and watched over), pioneers and trek to Salt Lake City, and revelation.

Let’s pull out the 30-topic model.

lda30_fit <- lda_fits[[2]]

Exploring results

Now that we have a finalized topic model, let’s look at the results.

First, I’ll use the LDA model to predict the topic of each of the talks. To do this, I’ll use topics(lda30_fit). That returns a named list, like this:

       1971_04_a_witness_and_a_blessing 1971_04_all_may_share_in_adams_blessing 
                                 topic9                                 topic22 
               1971_04_be_slow_to_anger             1971_04_choose_you_this_day 
                                 topic4                                  topic7 
        1971_04_drink_of_the_pure_water   1971_04_eternal_joy_is_eternal_growth 
                                topic26                                 topic23 
30 Levels: topic1 topic2 topic3 topic4 topic5 topic6 topic7 topic8 ... topic30

So, I assemble a data frame with the doc_ids and the topic_ids.


# assemble doc_ids and topics
talk_topics_df <- 
    doc_id = names(topics(lda30_fit)),
    topic_id = topics(lda30_fit)) %>% 
  mutate(conf_date = str_sub(doc_id, 1, 7) %>% 
           str_replace("_", "-") %>%  ym())

Since the topic_ids are not very helpful, I’ll combine them with the topic labels I created above and join them into the talk data frame.

# create a topic label map, to get more meaningful labels
topic_df <- tibble(
  topic_id = str_c("topic", 1:30),
  topic_label = str_sub(names(lda30_df), 4))

# join topic labels in
talk_topics_df <- 
  talk_topics_df %>% left_join(topic_df)

I’d like to explore the number of talks at each conference over time, so I’ll aggregate the topic counts for each conference.

# get topic counts in each conference
conf_topic_counts_df <- 
  talk_topics_df %>% 
  count(conf_date, topic_label)

Now, we are ready to plot. I did quite a bit of exploration and came across this plot. I found it interesting that the “Love_of_God_Jesus_Christ” topic has become more prevalent since about 2010.

conf_topic_counts_df %>% 
  filter(topic_label == "Love_of_God_Jesus_Christ") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=conf_date, y=n)) +
  geom_col(fill = "purple") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Here is a list of the top 20 words in the Love_of_God_Jesus_Christ topic (it was topic 17).

terms(lda30_fit, 20)[, 17]
 [1] "love"     "christ"   "jesus"    "church"   "savior"   "god"     
 [7] "day"      "life"     "gospel"   "sisters"  "brothers" "people"  
[13] "lives"    "heart"    "serve"    "service"  "world"    "children"
[19] "follow"   "feel"    


So, topic modeling isn’t perfect. But, like an impressionist painting, it gives a clearer picture of the categories found in a large corpus.